MHALA staff have training to provide a range of wellness and resilience services. These may include workshops or individual counseling aimed at helping members develop or augment skills in areas such as communication, financial management, stress management, or daily living skills. Assisting our members to expand their social networks and integrate into their communities is a key objective.
MHALA also has a Wellness Center in Long Beach that offers supportive services to individuals as they transition into less intense levels of care. The center responds to the needs of individuals with mental health needs who are stabilized and housed by providing opportunities to learn skills for self-reliance, develop natural supports, and access local resources.
Services include:
- Skills-building
- Psychotherapy
- Psychotropic medication services
- Physical health wellness guidance
- Individualized support from an advocate or therapist
- Employment, educational and vocational support
- Group workshops and classes
- Linkages to community services

MHALA Wellness Center
830 Atlantic Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90813
T: 562-285-0149